Keeping you up to date with stories about and from the Nillumbik Green Wedge

The Nillumbik Green Wedge needs your support.

The Green Wedge  is fundamental to our Shire’s identity. It is our responsibility to protect it for ourselves and future generations. This website is sponsored by the Warrandyte Community Association, the Friends of Nillumbik and the Green Wedge Protection Group. Its aim is to educate and inform so that you are in a position to do your bit. To receive our irregular ‘Wedge Bulletins’ sign up here.

Latest News

A Plan for Nillumbik

Newly elected Councils are required by the Local Government Act to produce a ‘Council Plan’. We suppose the intent of this legislated requirement is to make councils accountable to their electorates. It can define a policy re-set...

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The new Nillumbik Council faces a challenge

Having elected a Council with a majority sympathetic to responsible management of our green wedge shire, we anticipated that steps would be taken to immediately set to work addressing  carried over problems and reversing the...

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Nillumbik’s new council..

Nillumbik’s new council..

The results are well and truly in, and they’re mostly good news. The majority anti-regulation, pro-development voting bloc is no longer, so we stand a chance that the new council will do justice to our green wedge shire. In Sugarloaf, vacated by PALS-supported Jane...

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Nillumbik Council: our voting recommendations

Ballot packs will be mailed out from today, October 6, so should arrive in your letterbox within a week or so. Voting is compulsory, and you have until before last mail collection on Friday October 23 to post your completed ballot The 2016 Council has been ruled by a...

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One shire, seventy nine candidates..

Council elections are coming up. Ballots will be posted out all over the State from October 6, and votes must be put in the mail by October 23. Candidate nominations are complete, and while there are regions in the State with electorates with zero nominations, that is...

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Chapel Lane: it’s amateur hour..

Chapel Lane: it’s amateur hour..

he violation of the green wedge at Chapel Lane, Doreen continues, despite Nillumbik councillors unanimously agreeing that the fill dumping there is ‘illegal’. How can that be? This is a bad news story which has implications beyond the fill dumping...

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Zone abuse: Clarke faction does it again

Zone abuse: Clarke faction does it again

The story so far: Council receives an application for a permit to build a 150 seat restaurant at 103 Bannons Lane, Yarrambat. Council officers produce a recommendation that it should proceed. We previously wrote about this here. Cr Brooker ‘calls it in’ for...

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Nillumbik Council agrees on failure..

In a rare moment of unanimity, last week all seven Nillumbik Councillors agreed that the Council had failed on Chapel Lane. You’ll recall we covered  that continuing disaster in a previous newsletter, No need for a permit: Dump it in the Nillumbik Green Wedge.  Brief...

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150 Seat Restaurant threatened for the Green Wedge in Yarrambat

Nillumbik Council planners are recommending the approval of an application to build a restaurant   at 103 Bannons Lane, on land zoned Rural Conservation in Yarrambat.  Cr Grant Brooker has ‘called it in’, meaning Council itself will consider the application – at its...

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Whose PALS are they?

Whose PALS are they?

PALS, for Pro Active LandownerS, is a Facebook group which was ‘set up by a local landowner Karen Egan, which originated from the lack of representation of landowners within the council of Nillumbik’ These people are not shy in putting themselves forward. Recently a...

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Tourist Clusters in the Green Wedge?

Tourist Clusters in the Green Wedge?

Mebourne’s green wedges exist because far sighted politicians created the legal framework which protects them from inappropriate development. This framework is regularly amended in response to changing circumstances such as evolving bushfire safety requirements, new...

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